An interview with Scope Underwriting's Co Founder, Nick Vernon.

An interview with Scope Underwriting's Co Founder, Nick Vernon.

A chat with Scope Underwriting's Co Founder & CEO, Nick Vernon. Nick discusses what differentiates Scope within the construction underwriting market and why he and Co Founder Rob Higginson brought the agency to market.

Tell us a little about your journey to get to where you are today, launching an Underwriting agency.

Like a lot of people in the industry, I fell into insurance. I quickly realized however that it is a very complex, interesting and rewarding sector to work in. I moved into a construction insurance broking role around 15 years ago before spending the last 8 years as an underwriter for the same class. Having experience in both the broking and underwriting disciplines gives us a deep understanding of the challenges facing brokers but also the inherent risks that need to be considered by underwriters.

What made you decide it was time to launch your own brand? What have you set out to deliver to the market?

We identified a widening gap in the market where insurer’s were either increasingly focusing on DIY options where brokers are forced to enter data into a system or at the other end, insurers only wanting to participate on large programs, often exclusively with large international brokers. Our experience has shown that a lot of brokers are calling out for assistance and advice with a class of insurance that is quite specialized and in many cases too complex to simply enter into a system.

Construction is a complex market, where do you see Scope sitting within the landscape?

We see Scope sitting in the mid to larger tier of construction contractors where we can really add value through our experience of different risks and understanding of the insurance market. This is where we can work with the broker to understand not only the risk but the appetite of the insured to either retain or transfer risk to an insurance program.

And product wise, what’s different about the Scope products?

Our core products are broad and are specifically designed for the construction sector, but they are also flexible. We have a range of optional extensions that can enhance our core products when required by the Insured. We want to ensure our insured is protected but we don’t want to expose their insurance program to exploitation by other parties resulting in increased insurance costs in future years.

How is Scope going to deliver a different/better experience for brokers?

We are an independent underwriting agency, not owned by a cluster broking group, so brokers dealing with Scope can be confident that we are acting in their and their client’s best interest.

Scope has been created with flexibility in mind, allowing customised solutions based on the specific needs of the broker’s clients. With a range of optional extensions and a focus on the construction sector, brokers can arrange highly relevant coverage, making them more competitive and valued by their clients.

What do you see some of the key differences are between running your own agency, rather than working within a corporate environment?

Running our own agency will allow us to concentrate on the critical role of compliance and best practices but also allow us to weave our personal values into every decision. Our commitment to sustainable underwriting goes beyond regulatory obligation—it's about ensuring that we build long-term relationships with brokers and security partners based on trust, responsibility, and mutual growth. That balance of best practice with the entrepreneurial spirit is what keeps us motivated daily.